
‘Slumber’ has its origins from a continuing series called Ponder the Hoodie, that challenges how our contemporary values and perceptions are communicated through non-verbal expression.
The hoody is a simple piece of clothing worn by millions has become a confusing, provocative and powerful symbol that is explored in this exhibition. It is a wardrobe staple for many across society, a garment used for warmth and comfort, has also come to colour peoples’ perceptions about the individual or associated group.
While for some the humble hoody is a lightening rod for anger and moral outrage, these works aim to create a new narrative that challenges the profiling of people based on what they wear and, by extension, their class, colour and other classifications society chooses to impose.
‘Slumber’ depicts an isolated motionless figure wrapped in a blanket. The blanket provides a secure cocoon to protect the figure. The piece can be interpreted entirely by its position and the context we place on it based on our conditioning.
Now on at Toyota Community Spirit Gallery.